All luck is not in the game. A definition in which we can certainly include great players and casino historical figures who didn’t become important just because they had money and could take big risks, or who found a “talent” that they developed at a young age. For some things were more complicated and they had to persevere and prepare to make their mark in this world. More specifically, we will delve into the world of blackjack. Cards always bring out the best in many people.

people like Bryce Carlson. A player who has done a great job of preparation to get where he is. He wasn’t adventuring and learning along the way, but he knew he had to acquire all the knowledge he needed to gain a strategic advantage at the blackjack table. And if he’s learned anything, it’s from blackjack strategy. He prepared himself, documented himself, took whatever steps he thought necessary, and finally achieved his goal, no matter how impossible it was apparent to those around him.

Carlson started playing in the 70’s. He has always been drawn to card games since he was little, but like everyone else he just kept it as a “hobby” to practice in his free time. However, he was a man of challenges and over time he realized that this type of game was highly regarded, especially when it came to money. That’s when his interest grew in how things would work in a casino. So he dared to act simply as an observer.

In that moment he knew he would find a place in the game provided he had good preparation. His family did not support him. They thought that he would become another victim of gambling and betting. However, Bryce had taken on the challenge of finding the perfect formula to win at blackjack and beat the dealer. And then he thought Card counting should be his base to reach a high level as a player. Books like Edward Thorp’s “Beat the Dealer” were his support in acquiring knowledge.

Texts like those by Ken Uston also convinced him that this was really possible. And for even more enjoyment He managed to meet those whom he considered his idols at the time and share knowledge with them. Carlson wasn’t as experienced as some of the other big names in blackjack history, but he was eager to learn from all of them. Lawrence Revere, Stanford Wong, Peter Griffin or Arnold Snyder. They were all later inducted into the Blackjack Hall of Fame and were active at the time, either at the tables themselves or in the shadows, waiting for their moment.

Carlson’s exchange of ideas with all of them was a constant and that impregnated him with that Cooperation. For this character, this is a crucial factor in blackjack and card counting. With some of them he worked in groups dedicated to tracking casinos and putting into practice everything they worked on for weeks. All the possibilities the game offered, all the conditions that could exist, all the situations one could encounter. Everything was analyzed down to the millimeter in order to be able to plan it. There was nothing left to surprise.

The reality might be different later, but due to preparation, it wouldn’t be like that for Carlson, who Another thing he knew was to dress up. The casinos he began visiting could barely provide a description of him for the trackers to consider. Also, the more experience he gained, the harder it was to spot him as a card counter. So he started making a profit and became a famous man. The veterans of the scene knew exactly who he was and what he was doing, while for the youngest he was a role model to follow. This was more because its publication was brought to light.

Blackjack for Blood by Bryce Carlson

In 2001 his book Blackjack for Blood was published.. An ideal read for beginners who want to get started with strategies. On its sides you gradually climb up. It’s like a manual where you take steps to master everything related to this game in the last part. In fact, those who already have some prior knowledge and a solid foundation can skip about half of the book since they already know what they are about to see. However, in the last few pages you will find new tricks.

In his book, Carlson uses the “Advanced Omeda II” system, a system that is classified as quite complex, in which each card is assigned a different value. This requires a fairly complete memory process and a good adjustment to the values, otherwise it will be impossible to follow it. For most amateurs, it’s better to use a simpler strategy and then move on from there. Because yes, Bryce ensures that this is much more concrete and profitable than other simpler systems. And he might be right.

During his career he has also developed a computer software called “Omega II”. A machine that can count cards and specializes in it. All this has made Carlson an important and very popular player in this discipline. He even tried the honey of online casinos. He often has to disguise himself so that his fans, especially those of the book, don’t bother him unduly.

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